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This message was sent out in a mass burst to prominent terminals within "Boundless Retail" and "The Apartments". While the message has now been erased after the passing of a cycle, it has sparked discourse among recipients and residents of the levels. On the surface, it appears to be some sort of propaganda for the Brotherhood1, although the document leaked from Reid warrants more research. For now, the overall text will be archived here until further motives are established. - UNCB Ad. Miller

A lie upholds the very foundation of the place you call home.

If you are reading this, you may wonder what my intentions are as I begin to write. I just want this article to act as a warning and an explanation of the truth that has been shielded from you for so very, very long. It should also stand as an invitation to those who wish to break free from the falsehoods that have blinded you.

First, ask yourself this. Who runs the Grand Mercantile Guild? Everyone is fed the story of the grand group of fifty who came together to secure a bastion for humanity to thrive in the “darkness” of this new reality. It's all a work of fiction — a hoax — not one single word in any variant of the story told is the actual events that transpired.

The truth is that there did exist a collective of men working to provide for others, but one man let it all burn down. His desire to revert to the old ways dictates the miserable lives you lead today: Theodore Reid. Everyone knows him in the story as the one who brought everyone together, the person who created the Guild after the other members continued onwards past the retail and never returned. Not only did he not do any of this, but most surprisingly, he made up the story to cover up his misdeeds and violence towards others, creating a path for him to commit another despicable sin whilst hidden behind a veil of selflessness and heroism.

First, we must understand who Reid was before he put on the act of “Kind Survivor.” When he arrived, instead of facing the suffering and fear that everyone experiences in their first hours in the new world, he quickly found himself among a small collective of others. He never faced any struggle as he worked his way forward towards the unexplored sections of Eden. Instead, he hid behind the toil of the group as they perished slowly to the natural elements, whether it be dangers that lie in the natural environment, the beasts that predate our existence, or basic infighting among comrades. He just followed like a sheep among the massive flock. When the collective then stood as only a few, and they had found a pocket of safety among the neon lights of the retail, he committed his first act of greed and violence, an unforgivable mixture of sins within humanity’s garden.

He ended the remnants of the collective in one night. They had confronted him about his lack of contribution to their group, and this had made him paranoid of some sort of exile. They were all killed in their sleep, leaving Reid isolated. His motive? To make sure he had control. The resources within the retail were vast2, and within his fractured mind, the thought must have never occurred to him that there would be enough for everyone. It had to be his. As others began to arrive at the new frontier, he began to tell the tale you hear today whispered among the masses, giving him authority to stand as the owner of everything, with the selfish first-come, first-serve ideologies that he peddled. He still lies among the people of the retail as you read this, enacting new rules that only inflate his standing as he tries to bring back one of the fundamental failures of our predecessors: an economy.

You don't just have to take my own word for the events of this travesty. You can read his. Terminals aren't secure unless you encrypt your documents or write them in private instances, something Reid has forgotten to do. Savor the truth.

Does it not disturb you that a man like this is given authority? He justifies his little remorse with his grand vision of rebuilding humanity. It's just an excuse not to feel guilty. Those who commit terrible acts are one thing, but those who commit terrible acts and try to justify them with false reasoning3 are irredeemable.

Do not stand amongst the flock within the temple of greed while your possessions get slowly diminished to provide for some greater whole. Do not let yourself become one of the many cast aside and used to benefit and progress the goals of one man. Become a wolf and walk free beyond the sheep, understanding the truth of your survival within Eden. Work as a collective with others, not letting anyone suffer the fate the sinners who believe in the old world’s ideals lay unto their shoulders. Join the Brotherhood to help combat these transgressors. Without our guidance, you may drown beneath the coming wave.

There is only one question to ask yourself now. Do you continue to live upon the ashes of the ones who struggled to survive, only to be snuffed out for some false future that enforces a return to the exact problems we had in the first place as a society? Or do you wish to push back, to truly bring about a new age of prosperity?

Choose wisely, as the time will come when there is no more time to choose at all.

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