The Office

rating: +39

47 votes (+43, -4) 4.5★

rating: +39+x

Level Classification

Difficulty 1/5 The only legitimate threat is the weather.
Entity Count 0/5 The level is entirely devoid of entities.
Chaos Gradient 3/5 Violent storms and unstable geometry make this level chaotic.
Basset-Frazier Index 1.3/5 This level is relatively anomalous.



fig 1.0 The Office.

The Office is an infinite, empty office in a perpetual thunderstorm. All of the lights within this level are off, with the only light coming in from the outside. The office shows considerable non-Euclidian properties, including hallways that cross through each other without intersecting, multiple rooms that occupy the same space, and most famously the windows to the outside being present in every single room. The outside of the level is an infinite empty void containing only the room it is viewed from and the ever-present thunderstorm. Fresh water can be easily obtained on The Office, simply by opening a window and allowing the rain to blow in.

It is said that the weather comes in seasons, and those seasons change once every decade. The next season change is assumedly in 7 years based on reports.

The main danger of The Office is the storm itself, which can occasionally become quite violent, developing gale-force winds and waterspouts1 have been known to form from these conditions. The storm frequently destroys rooms, and opening the door to one of the destroyed rooms will reveal a torn-off section of the building, exposing the interior to violent winds. Despite being one building, rooms can often be flooded without affecting connecting areas.

Rooms appear to regenerate when destroyed, although this process takes several days to complete.

Typical office supplies, decorations, and machines can be found around this level, making it a good source of material. Many communities are based here.


UNCB Outpost Hartkirch

An outpost that serves as a resting place for new wanderers before they enter the trials of the subsequent "Drain" level chain. With a population of about two hundred, some wanderers choose to just remain as permanent residents of the outpost and avoid the dangers of the following levels.

Liberated Outpost Monarush

Monarush was established by The Liberated in an effort to expand their reach, as The Office is a common stopping point for new travelers. The effort was successful, as they have seen an extreme increase in citizenship since the establishment of Monarush.

Assorted Camps

Many camps are found in various areas of The Office. These camps are easy to run into and are mostly abandoned.

Entrances and Exits


The Office can be entered through the substations in the Electrical Station. Other ways to enter The Office are its sub-levels.


The only exits from The Office lead to The Hotel through an ornate hotel door found in some areas. Or through The Office's sub-levels.

More Levels:

Oxygen Ocean - (+28)

Starlit Cinema - (+17)

The Sub-Basement - (+20)

The Dying Level - (+19)

Restless Restaurant - (+19)

Your Home - (+13)

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