Level Classification
Difficulty | 4/5 | Extreme threats to mental health and burn risks from unstable boilers must be managed. |
Entity Count | 0/5 | N/A |
Chaos Gradient | 1/5 | Non-linear in some areas. |
Basset-Frazier Index | 1.667/5 | Long-term survival is impossible due to its impact on wanderers' sanity. |

fig 1.0 The Hotel.
The Hotel is a finite hotel, decorated in Oriental style. Wanderers always enter the level alone. Even if multiple people are known to be on the level at the same time, they can never meet. Despite being deserted, the hotel follows the routine as if open, meals will appear in the dining area in the morning, noon, and evening, music will play in the ballroom, and beds will remake themselves. Extended listening to the music found playing in the ballroom is believed to cause memory loss.
Despite being completely devoid of entities, multiple objects such as paintings, vases, and stained glass on this level depict an image of a towering cephalopod-like being. When unobserved the objects change to show the creature closer to your location. While in the same room that the objects depict the being in, despite the absence of any such entity, you will experience a strong sensation of being watched and a powerful urge to flee the area. The being is most commonly depicted in areas around The Boiler Room, possibly guarding the exit.
The Hotel has strong effects on wanderers' minds. The unavoidable isolation and terror lead to mental breakdowns and, eventually, insanity.
The Hotel does not allow objects to function as they normally would. It tends to slightly alter the use of the object. Some objects are rendered unusable, such as modern technology. Beverages from other levels cause hallucinations and temporary paranoia. For these reasons, it is recommended to get through The Hotel without objects.
The Lobby
This area is the tamer of the two. It causes mild sanity problems and rarely causes death. The majority of the rooms in The Hotel are in this area. These rooms are mostly empty hotel rooms with mild decor and furnishing. Strange objects can be found in the closets of these rooms, typically ranging from the 1920s to the 40s. The being is not often depicted here and does not create as much urgency. Two elevators are found here. Despite these elevators appearing to be functional, the doors are melted together.
Other rooms in this area are special rooms. These rooms are known as The Diner and The Ballroom.
The Diner
This is a large room near what appears to be the entrance. It has 12 basic tables laid out. A salad bar and dessert table are placed in the corner of the room. Despite having no living beings, this room regularly updates its food. This means that the food never rots and food on the tables appears at every meal of the day.
The Ballroom
The Ballroom is a large room at the end of the hallway. This room contains about 2 dozen headless mannequins. When they are not being looked at, they cause a sense of being watched. The ballroom also has a constant noise of 1940s ballroom music. Staying in this room for an extended period of time can cause mental deterioration and permanent memory loss.
The Boiler Room
fig 2.0 The Hotel, boiler room.
The Boiler Room is the area outside the hotel of The Hotel, and extends infinitely in all directions, being filled with pipes, vents, and of course, boilers. An infinite number of other hotels exist in The Boiler Room, some housing other people trapped in The Hotel. The majority of the space in the boiler room is cramped passages between hotels, with low-hanging pipes running overhead. The floor of the Boiler Room is iron grating, which allows a constant dripping of water to fall through from the above floors and steam leaks to rise up from the pipes below, and the only light is from the fire in the boilers. The steam leaks create a high risk of injury, so staying in the Boiler Room for an extended period of time is not recommended.
Due to the difficulty and nature of this level, permanent civilizations are unfeasible and impossible to sustain for lengthy periods of time.
Entrances and Exits
The Hotel can be entered by going through ornate doors in The Office. Any of this level's sub-levels are also entrances.
The only exits from The Hotel are shadows in The Boiler Room. By going through these shadows, you will end up in The Darkness. Other exits include The Hotel's sub-levels.
More Levels: |
•The Aquarium - (+25) •The Halls - (+80) •Boundless Retail - (+39) •Starlit Cinema - (+17) •The Flooded City - (+19) •The Office - (+39) •The Darkness - (+20) |