It's on life support, and will barely survive another season of NO CRIT and SLOW POSTING. Look at yourselves, its only greynames in the chat and only fishposts on the New Pages hub. What have we come to? What can we do to bounce back? What happened to the days where we hated TS and used our dramafagging and hateboners to be productive and rad?
Well, thats where the best and brightest of LA scientists come in. We hit the drawing boards and slammed more than the recommended dose of Ritalin and collaborated on our darkest and most vile plot to date, and HERE IT IS. Welcome to Systemcon 2024, designed explicitly to rile our authors into a frenzy of artificial productivity and monkey-brained one-up-manship.
What is it? Sit down for this one. We're pitting all of you against each other in a year-long competition, where site contribution awards points to your team, like some sort of Hogwarts House bullshit.
Below is everything you'll need to know for teams and tallying points. Strap yourselves in…
The Goal:
To gain the most points for your team by contributing to the site over a span of 12 months.
The Rules:
Points are awarded to teams in the following ways:
- Critiquing a page for your team gains your team 2 points.
- Critiquing a page for a rival team gains your team 2 points, OR you can choose to steal 1 point from that team, giving it to your team.
- Critiquing any other page will reward your team with 1 point.
- Posting a page for your system gains your team 8 points.
- Posting a page for a rival system gains your team 6 points, OR you can choose to steal 4 points from that team, giving them to your team.
- Posting a page not involved in any team's systems will allow you to steal 3 points from a team of your choice, and add it to your team.
- A member who has never contributed a page to LA before will award their team 16 points for their first submission.
If a new page is decanonized or reaches the deletion threshold, that member's team will be penalized 10 points. (This means you cannot sabotage another team's system with shitty pages to dock their team points. Your own team will lose points regardless of which system your page is uploaded to.)
The system that has the highest number of new pages at the end of the year is awarded 32 bonus points.
Awards for individual members will also grant your team additional points at the end of the game.
- Highest rated contest entry
- Participant who posted the most pages
- Participant who did the most critique
- Participant who stole the most points from other teams
- Team with the most contributing members (1 point per contributor who scored any points for their team)
- Team with the most contributing writers (2 points per author who posted an article during the contest)
First place in these categories will award your team 10 points, second place 5 points, and third place 2 points.
Team Delegation:
We do not want to micromanage teams. Teams will come together however they come together. Probably just ask to join a team. Or rally a new team into existence by campaigning!
One rule, however: you can only be a member of ONE team. You also don’t have to join a team. The contest is completely optional.
Mid-Game Shenanigans:
Plans to spice up the game through the year include VC party challenges for points, patriotism rewards, sneaky spy roles, and other minigames to move points around and keep it fun.
Announced in January of 2025. What do you get? Nothing <3 It's a silly game of rivalry and competition for NOTHING but BRAGGING RIGHTS 💪
That’s it for now, good luck and let the games begin!