Spaced-Out Ranges
> Level Classification
Difficulty | 3/5 | The main dangers of the level can be avoided, but without the correct information the nights of this level are difficult to survive. |
Entity Count | 1/5 | There is one confirmed type of native entity: said entity is rare and elusive. No other confirmed entity presence. |
Chaos Gradient | 3/5 | Locations of ranges can change or swap with each other on occasions. Specific objects can randomly materialize. |
Basset-Frazier Index | 2.333/5 | Food is not very easy nor very difficult to obtain, although other hazards decrease the survivability. |
> Description
fig 1.0 Spaced-Out Ranges
Spaced-Out Ranges is an extensive, dense, and diverse woodland where the only relief of the dense thickets and endless shade come in the form of strange interspersed areas of pasturage. These clearings are not equally spaced, and are seemingly placed without care or in relation to any other clearing. Strangely, within every solitary treeless space is a shooting range for multiple types of firearms, or an archery range. These ranges are at varying levels of repair, which suggests that each individual clearing was cleared out and/or had a range created at different times. Even stranger, the expansive woodland is completely barren of any ranges in the process of construction.
Spaced-Out Ranges is observed to have a day/night cycle which can be described as a thick fog that rolls in after approximately 12 hours of its absence, and later retreats 8-10 hours after its appearance. During this “night,” a dense layer of fog partially obstructs the vision of any wanderers within about 10 meters from the ground. Cold gusts of wind systematically flow in all directions. These sudden outbreaks of wind are caused by the main danger of the night.
fig 2.0 Empty Clearing.
Only after the descent of the fog of the night, it feels as if the level itself is hunting those who travel under the canopy. Emerging from the mist, projectiles fly in random directions at breakneck speeds that can be heard before they are seen. These assaults, random and seemingly fired without a target in mind, are very deadly nonetheless. Always be sure to take cover either above the fog, in a covered crevice or hollow in the grove, or any enclosed space that fully covers the body. If all other options are unavailable, any area within the dense woodland grants a weakened chance to be struck. The clearings at night are something to avoid.
From the treetops, the sky of Spaced-Out Ranges is observed to be completely gray. Light still emanates from the sky, which has been considered comparable to moonlight by wanderers. This level of light does not change, nor does it affect the fog. The only other observed weather change is a light rain. The blank gray sky shows no clouds visible, yet rain still befalls periodically. Furthermore, the rain has not been seen to affect the frequency, speed, or consistency of projectiles. In a daring attempt to find ways to stop projectiles from disappearing into the dense fog, multiple arrows were stopped midair and retrieved. Other projectiles that have been observed, but have not been retrieved include bullets of unknown sizes, and occasionally darts. If a projectile flies out of view, it cannot be retrieved. It is currently theorized that it keeps a constant speed until dematerializing. Projectiles of any sort may also deteriorate before it would strike an object whilst out of view.
Structures in Spaced-Out Ranges vary greatly, the most common being fencing lining the edges of ranges, which differ in quality/material. Targets, or other small unique wooden structures may be present depending on the range. These include but are by no means limited to:
- Benches
- Signs
- Carrying racks for bows, or firearms
- Picnic tables
- Latrines
- Small Pavillions
- Enclosed, fenced in areas [functioning as a shed without a roof.]
Signs are usually marked with a label for the specific type of range, as well as a warning or other information. Some signs are not legible.
Additionally, sheds can be located alongside ranges or randomly within the brambles. These contain previously mentioned carrying racks, which usually contain unloaded firearms or bows. These sheds also can contain food, in wooden boxes or baskets, although not guaranteed. If a shed is placed alongside a range that is overgrown or more dilapidated, it will contain food unfit for consumption (if it contains food at all).
On occasions, the locations of the ranges can swap, move, or completely be replaced by the forest. This can also happen to sheds, which replenishes food. This does not happen in a high enough frequency to make an area unrecognizable quickly, which helps those who have already memorized details of a given area navigate and deduce what areas have changed anomalously.
> Communities
fig 3.0 Spaced-Out Ranges forest, near The Bramble Hollow.
The Treetop Outpost
This settlement consists of a group of wanderers that have set up a camp nested in the treetops, above the risk zone for projectiles. The faction is semi-organized; it is led by 2 quartermasters as well as 2 researchers. Wanderers don’t usually stay for a period of time longer than a few months. The population of the group fluctuates, but is usually between 25 and 45 members. The duo of previously-mentioned researchers found this place to be peaceful enough to set up a place for wanderers to stay.
The Treetop Outpost consists of many treehouses, as well as makeshift hammocks. Tarps have also been acquired from some ranges. As some edible plants grow in Spaced-Out Ranges, it adds to the stock of food.
The Bramble Hollow
This former settlement consists of a group of 10 survivors who claimed to have fled from Almond Fields and had travelled all the way to Spaced-Out Ranges. The Treetop Outpost applied no further inquiry so the mysterious group of wanderers dug out a large pit and created a large underground base. The Bramble Hollow, as it came to be called, eventually ceased all communication after a month. Following a week of no updates, one of the quartermasters of the Treetop Outpost called a search party in an attempt to locate the group. Once they found the hollow, they learned that it collapsed into the ground, creating a large sinkhole. This sinkhole was soon observed to be one-way travel to Cramped Caves.
Passway Lodge
This trading station is a large wooden lodge inhabited by 5, which includes other outside structures. The Passway Lodge is the main trading hub of Spaced-Out Ranges, as goods imported from level to level arrive in the lodge and depart to other levels. Be wary, as beggars or people attempting to gain goods from other levels without any form of effort or pay are treated rather harshly.
Other Wanderers And Settlements
Various other temporary camps and settlements can be found, mostly based in covered crevices/creeks in the forest, or any area near sufficient cover to avoid the hazards of the night.
> Access
Entering a trapdoor upwards in Padlock Passways will lead to a shed in Spaced-Out Ranges.
Entering The Bramble Hollow or some specific holes/cracks will lead to Cramped Caves.
Entering a layer of fog that completely inhibits visibility will take you to The Dying Level. Although, this method of exit has led to The Cavity more and more as of recent.