Seed cultivation, botany, and material handling at UNCB Outpost Athenaeum.
I'm Saffron - just Saffron - but please; do not let the unique mugshot worry you.
The Liminal world has taken its toll on me, but I still bleed red just like anyone else.
It's a pleasure for you to stop by~
I write essays.
In Baseline I was a purveyor of sciences and literature, of which the Backrooms has given me ample to study and record. Writing keeps me sane, and thinking keeps me human.
I hope you find something worthwhile when scrolling through my archives; for it surely feels worthwhile for me to fill this place with knowledge.
Never stop searching for that far off horizon.
> The Promethean Account - (+18)
After the discovery of the Promethean Database, it sent the collected UNCB colonies into a fervor. Copies of the encrypted data were sent to every outpost which requested access - and the race was on. I had some time on my hands; so decided to write an essay about these wild events.
> The Collective Dream - (+13)
As a child, did you ever lift up stones to see the insects living underneath? One time, when I lifted a stone, there was an unsuspecting snake curled up underneath it. Unsurprisingly, I got bit. Who would have thought peering into the Database could lead us to our own sleeping basilisk?
> Sleep Journal - Cycle 7 - (+18)
With the emergency measures put into place in the wake of the Leviathan's presence, we all took to writing sleep journals. This practice awoke within me a duty that I have been putting off — recording lost history of darker times. An introduction to the Exodus, the Obsidian Infirmary, and human augmentation.
> Maria and the Bug - (+14)
I've been slammed busy with work here at the Outpost, with little time for journaling. I finally found some peace and quiet to get this on the page: Maria's new friend! He's an unorthodox type. Not the sort I'd ever have considered family in the past.
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