Restless Restaurant
Level Classification
Difficulty | 3/5 | Entity swarms during the night section of the cycle and the disabling of certain mechanisms make this level risky to enter. |
Entity Count | 3/5 | This level is nearly completely devoid of entities during day cycles, but there is a large number of entities during night cycles. |
Chaos Gradient | 1/5 | Gravity within this level is commonly affected in strange ways and instances of non-euclidean doors add to the instability of this level. |
Basset-Frazier Index | 2.3/5 | Long-term residence in this level is near impossible, due to the entity swarms during night cycles, and the possible dangers of consuming certain foods here. |
fig 1.0 One of the many dining rooms in the Restless Restaurant.
The Restless Restaurant is a collection of randomly segmented dining areas. This level — much like many other levels of the Backrooms — is thought to span infinitely in all directions. The décor of rooms is placed in an inconsistent manner as they can vary from high-class dining to fast food style areas. The Restless Restaurant is quite similar to The Hotel in terms of how its food updates regularly.
The Restless Restaurant has a 'day' and a 'night'. During the 'day', which lasts about 6 hours, the lights are on, and the entity count is kept quite low. During the 'night', which lasts about a full 12 hours, all lights are turned off, — being illuminated only by dim red emergency lights — entity count rises greatly, and all food immediately becomes spoiled.
Any sort of clock or communication device, besides the ones already present in the Restless Restaurant, is rendered completely disabled within this level. Any appliance taken out of the Restless Restaurant seems to stop working immediately after being removed.
It is advised to not stay in the Restless Restaurant for extended periods of time.
Dining Rooms
The dining rooms residing in the Restless Restaurant all differ in décor and size. It is also not uncommon to find a dining room with a different gravitational pull than others, in which only objects from this level will be affected. Only dining rooms seem to have this variant.
After the end of the night cycle and the start of a new day, all tables are 'served' a random meal with a card in front of each plate labeling it. Fresh drinking water or Carpet Fluid are also randomly chosen to accompany the meal. It is unknown exactly how the food is updated. Any attempt at observing the food being 'served' is unsuccessful, as the food always seems to appear when it is not observed. It is theorized that the level materializes the food itself as another source has not been found.
There have been multiple confirmed accounts of some dishes being labeled as "Smiler Steak". It has not been confirmed whether or not the label is accurate, but it is widely considered false due to the current information gathered about Smilers. Other claims of meals being labeled as dangerous entities have also been made, yet none of these have been confirmed as of the current moment.
On rare occasions, you may come across a dining room with its lights off during the daytime phase of the cycle. These are considered traps and are to be avoided.
Kitchens in the Restless Restaurant are usually much smaller than the dining rooms and can also vary in layout and décor. Kitchens tend to have freezers, fridges, stoves, and grills. All appliances seem to work indefinitely, seemingly without the need for power or gas.
There are meats of many sizes and varieties within the freezers, although they are not recognizable and cannot be traced back to a known origin. The fridge usually contains bottled drinking water, Carpet Fluid, and occasionally juices and alcoholic beverages.
Rarely, a pantry can appear in one of the kitchens. The pantry is full of non-perishable canned goods that have been largely deemed safe for consumption.
Staff Rooms
Staff rooms in the Restless Restaurant can also appear and are the only possible places where an exit can be found. Staff rooms are singular rooms that resemble a break room for employees. These staff rooms can sometimes contain Office Terminals. Occasionally, another door will appear in that room which will appear non-euclidean to the geometry of surrounding rooms. This door will allow you to exit Restless Restaurant.
There are no known communities on this level due to its effects on mechanisms and the day/night cycle which lends itself to the difficulty of residence for extended periods of time. Though there are no known communities, the Restless Restaurant has gained a reputation as a large hotspot for those needing supplies.
Entrances and Exits
- The Restless Restaurant can be entered by walking through a door with an exit sign in The Aquarium
- The Restless Restaurant can also be accessed through the staff rooms of a food court stall in Boundless Retail, yet there is only a chance that a door can lead there. There is no observable pattern in how these doors are selected, however, it has been confirmed the farther you travel within Boundless Retail, the more common these doors become.
All entrances will take you to a staff room of the Restless Restaurant, although no exit door will appear.
- The Restless Restaurant can be exited through a door that can appear in one of the staff rooms, this will lead you to Paranoia Museum.
- The Restless Restaurant can also be exited through a stairway that can occasionally appear and will lead you to The Basement.
- Push doors with bathroom signs found within the Restless Restaurant will lead you to Padlock Passways.