⬙ ⬘ Metro Limspace System ⬙ ⬘
Know the destination, or be at the mercy of the journey.
In the busy lives of countless people living in metropolitan areas scattered around Baseline Reality, people are constantly utilizing trains. Entering and leaving metro stations, fighting past the crowds of people all just trying to get to their intended destination. In the mayhem of modern transport, It's very difficult to notice when the crowd becomes a few people lighter.
Factions constantly fight over control of the rails outside of reality. The Union of Metro Transportation's grip on the train industry, both inside and outside of Baseline Reality, allows them to commit horrifying crimes against humanity. When your train pulls into an unfamiliar station, It's good to know you're in danger.
There's that, and the many other horrors in store when traveling deep into the tunnels. Know the journey, or be at the mercy of the destination.
The main yet inconsistent entryway into the Metro Limspace System. Welcome to the tunnels.
Casual transportation, yet rerouted to death's door.

✎ Tales:
Engrained within the many tunnels of the Metro Limspace System are stories, misunderstandings, burning hatred between long-gone peoples, and supposed reasoning as to why so much suffering goes on among the tunnels.
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Stories & Prose:
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Along the routes in-between hubs are a myriad of different landmarks, nomadic camps, and unique hazards in the form of platforms.
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Horrific creatures, all destructive in their own ways. They range from humanoid creatures with strange characteristics to beings far-removed from any resemblance to baseline organisms.
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