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Lord of The Seagrass
Creation Story
The Time of Peace
In the beginning, when the seas were new, the Plateau Sea was a grand, warm, shallow seabed. From that seabed grew The Seagrass Goddess - the mother of the sea. From her, birthed a vast seagrass meadow, and from the meadow birthed many beasts. Beasts that swam through the waters, crawled in the sands, and clung to the rocks; they lived in harmony and prosperity, for the seagrass was so abundant that each beast could have the grass of 10 beast's share and still have more to spare. The beasts had no need to feast upon another nor steal the feast of another beast. In the core of the meadow laid the Queen of the Seagrass -an unfathomable entanglement of fronds, blades, and roots which looped, curled, and ensnared upon itself; she was a beautiful jungle of seagrass for as far as eyes could see. The Queen of grass was content with the sea she grew, as her songs welcomed each new life in the meadow and kept the waters eternally bright and warm. All the beasts were grateful and satisfied with The Queen's Sea, and they all sang back together in harmony, like a wave of melody, to praise the countless blessings they were given.
One day, the Queen birthed a new type of beast, seemingly not much different from the others at first, a Demoiselle1. She sang its birthday, like any other beast before it and after it. Furthermore, the Demoiselles swam through the waters and feasted upon the grasses like any other. Indeed, this beast should've been satisfied with its blessing like any other; yet, unlike any other, it wasn't satisfied. Unlike any other, it thought. It thought and thought on how to improve perfection.
The Time of Envy and Gluttony
The shoals of Demoiselles decided to settle into territories across the endless meadow and cultivated their own patches of grass, which soon flourished into immense fields. The Demoiselles were meticulous with caring for their growing crops: they supplied the best nutrients, delicately pruned away browning fronds, and provided ideal growth. They created seagrass beyond perfection. The grass in their fields was greener, thicker, healthier, and sweeter than any of the natural grasses within the meadow. Eating the grass granted the Demoiselles with new, increasingly complex thoughts. From this grass, their bodies and minds began to grow larger and stronger than any of the natural beasts within the meadow. The other beasts also began to grow unsatisfied with their sea's bounty. They became envious: some of the beasts decided to steal the Demoiselles' grasses for themselves; First, the Thorn tails2, Barb backs3, Vibrant crushers4, and Shellbacks5 would rapidly rush in, then dart off with a mouthful of the grass. Then the Smooth heads6 and Tendril suckers7 would sneak in morsels, then come back smarter than before, and steal more than their previous raid. Afterwards, the Dwarf sand sifters and Dwarf Ironclaws8 would tunnel under the patch fields and snip off roots to take back to their cavernous homes beneath the stone.
The Demoiselles grew more defensive of their creation and began fiercely defending their fields, charging away all passersby with rapid clicks and bites. As they continued to feast from their grasses, they unearthed mucky bones and shells from the beasts who had passed from old age, chipped stones from the seabed, and sharpened plant roots to create weapons and tools to help intimidate and keep the other beasts out. More feasts continued, they quarried into the seabed for stones to construct borders along the edges of their fields and built housing architecture with interwoven seagrass canvasses. More feasts continued, and they lost their harmony with the beasts, the sea, and the Queen of the Seagrasses. The Demoiselles began to create their own languages and harmony against the rhythm of nature.
More feasts continued, and the Demoiselles began to truly see themselves as the dominant forces of the sea; they began to dedicate some of their mined stones towards live-rock pillars, which birthed its own little beasts, ones which the Demoiselles viewed as lesser beings. When these beasts were grown to a size deemed fit, the Demoiselles plucked the little beasts from their stony homes, congregated together in many groups, and began a ritual, a new feast never had before. The Demoiselles cracked the little beasts' claws or scooped the little beasts out of their shells and sunk their teeth deep into the flesh of the beasts. Beasts which were once their fellow brethren. The tastes, juices, and slimy textures of this new, forbidden feast had made the bodies and minds of the Demoiselles grow larger and stronger than ever before. The Demoiselles had truly become both the most enlightened beings and the most brutal beasts in all the sea of grass.
The Time of Wrath
As blood was spilled and their feast finished, The Queen of Grass awoken from her melodic dream to an appalling nightmare. She let out an immense, dreadful scream, heard and felt all across her sea. From her scream, the seabed began to shake, break apart, and collapse away into a deep, abyssal ocean. The remnants of the sea that once was rested upon pillared plateaus which dotted like archipelagos amongst the void. As the seabed beneath her split apart, she became unrooted and steadily sunk ever deeper into the abyss. Her vibrant green fronds began to rot and fall away, leaving dark gray, writhing tentacles, massive red eyes, and a beak sharp enough to shatter any beast within its path.
The Queen floated back up from the depths, breached the surface, and continued to ascend ever higher into the sky above. She let out another piercing screech upon the world, from her emerged intense shockwaves of lightning. The skies grew dark and covered the warm glow from The Great Lighthouse in the cold stormy cloak of a powerful hurricane. The Queen's tears pummeled the sea with rain and hail. The salt from her tears formed a dense, toxic brine lake beneath the open ocean. Chunks of the sea's water shot up from the deep into huge waves, which crashed down onto the remaining shallows; these waves crumbled down structures the Demoiselles erected.
The Queen's wrath mutated the life on the Plateaus and open waters, cursing the Plateau Sea with alien, monstrous beasts from distant seas, which were destined to hunt down the Demoiselles; other beasts, which existed alongside the Demoiselles, mutated and grew savage and blood-thirsty as well. Some of the Plateaus of seabed shot up above the waves into dry land, others sunk down into the dark depths, and on countless more, the life mutated so much that new ecosystems emerged and outcompeted the seagrass on their seamounts; in the end, only a fraction of Plateau Sea's seabed could support seagrass meadows. The rarity of shallow, grassy seabed made both herbivorous pests and predatory monsters alike actively hunt for and infest the meadows in hungry desperation, overwhelming the surviving Demoiselles. The Demoiselles became regretful as they realized they took their seagrass goddess for granted; seagrass that was once so numerous became reduced to an extremely precious commodity, vital to guard and fight over.
Once the Hurrikraken queen concluded her sorrowful storm, the sky relaxed back to normal as she gradually descended towards the abyssal sea, lurking beneath the shadowy blanket of the brine lake. She abandoned her rule of the sea, leaving it to its own violent devices. Yet, once a year, she re-emerges to wreak havoc on the sea in a constant dark hurricane winter as a reminder of the Demoiselles' betrayal upon the beasts, the sea, and the Queen of the seagrasses.