Liminal Writing Guide


Welcome to the Liminal Archives. If you're reading this guide, chances are you've been inspired by the strange, unusual, lonely or intriguing limspaces and thresholds you've seen on the site and want to create your own. You probably have some cool concepts in mind, and this writing guide is here to ensure that your idea becomes a reality.

If you're coming to this guide having read only a few articles on the site, we urge you to go back and keep reading- you'll want to have a good idea of the kinds of things we write about here before you start, to save yourself trouble later.

This writing guide mainly refers to limspaces, but most of the topics discussed are relevant to other kinds of articles, including thresholds, levels, entities, objects, documents, and even prose. This guide is a recommended read for all writers.


When pondering an article concept, there are a few key things to consider:

  • Is the concept interesting and original?
  • Is the concept logically consistent? Does it make sense?
  • Is this something that would fit well within the scope and scale of the Liminal Archives universe?
  • Is this the kind of story or concept that translates well to writing?

It's strongly recommended that you consider these four questions when drafting or brainstorming. Remember, the best kinds of articles are those that a reader can grasp without you having to explain everything to them- it's the aha! moment that really pulls a reader in. You're free to make your concept as out there and obtuse as you like, just remember that you're not the only person who's going to read it.

If you want some feedback on the concept you've got, ask for feedback from the community in either the Forums section or in the Discord server; everyone will be happy to help. Remember that any feedback is useful, even if it isn't very detailed. Being told "It's boring" isn't a lot to work with, but at the very least it tells you that something can be improved.

If your concept gets panned, don't sweat it. Ask any writer on the site, and they will tell you that not every idea, concept, or pitch works out. Don't get discouraged! Try approaching the concept from a different angle, or asking others what to change about it. You'll be able to refine the concept until it works, or inspire a new concept that works even better.

As always, if you feel that a piece of critique you've received becomes less "constructive criticism" and more "personal attacks", feel free to contact a site or Discord moderator for help.

Other writing guides:

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