Antiquated Dataspace File
JABBERWOCKIES are a taxonomy grouping of echolocation-guided hunters native to the The Darkness (and found rarely throughout the greater Backrooms System) that rely on unique and specific sensory organs for survival. Within this relevant taxon, JABBERWOCKY species may differ in size and shape but share common characteristics with their — assumed — evolutionary siblings. Studying the JABBERWOCKY'S common biology and habits is paramount for avoiding entity contact in the wild and surviving encounters.
Aggressiveness | 4/5 | JABBERWOCKIES are colossal predatory creatures who ambush prey. Their heightened senses give them a terrifying advantage while hunting. |
Frequency | 1/5 | Fortuitously, JABBERWOCKIES are exceedingly rare to encounter, as would be expected with the apex predators of an environment. |
Intelligence | 4/5 | These creatures are armed with monstrous sensory organs and navigate environments intelligently to ensnare prey. |
Pritoria Index | 3/5 | JABBERWOCKIES are nightmares given manifest — they exemplify our deepest fears of what unknowns lie in darkness. |
JABBERWOCKIES, when closely observed and dissected, blend common conventions of biology. Their skeleton is primarily internal, yet some sections of their bodies inverse to reveal hard exoskeletal chitinous talons at the end of their limbs, or smooth, thick exposed skulls. The majority of a JABBERWOCKY'S epidermis hangs loosely off of its frame and is layered like fluted cardboard: outer layers of skin padded within with rows of cochlear hairs.
Like most aberrations native to The Darkness, JABBERWOCKY entities are entirely blind and lack visual sensory organs of any sort. In place of sight, they have developed sophisticated vocalizing methods which let them sonically map their surroundings like biological sonar. They utilize an incredible battery of clicks, whoops, howls, and piercing shrieks — the language of which is best described as "jabbering", thus the nature of their eponymous name — and pick up their resonance through specialized organs throughout their bodies which allow them to not just hear, but also feel, sound.
The drapery that hangs off of JABBERWOCKIES is loose skin. The flowing, cloth-like skin is believed to give JABBERWOCKY entities several physical advantages: firstly by helping them avoid detection from other echolocation-based hunters. No matter what level you are on, imitating an inanimate object is very effective camouflage, and JABBERWOCKIES do so by posturing as grotesque hanging tapestries. The excess skin can be loose and exposed to cool off and regulate body temperature — or be wrapped tightly around themselves to protect from environmental hazards and keep warm.
Lastly, their excess epidermis is crucial to a JABBERWOCKIES advanced echolocation senses. When stretched tightly into contortions that may look uncomfortable to the creature, the loose skin acts like a sensitive membrane akin to an eardrum. In turn, the JABBERWOCKY itself can feel minute vibrations, determine frequencies, distinguish multiple sources of sound, and pinpoint prey with terrifyingly deadly accuracy. The diameter of a human eardrum is roughly a centimetre — imagine the sensitivity of a listening organ with many square meters of surface area.
JABBERWOCKIES vary in general anatomy; no two are alike. Their size is often estimated at 20ft in length or height, but their limb count is too sporadic to state confidently. Not all JABBERWOCKIES have mouths, either, as some have been recorded to have beaks. Expect a JABBERWOCKY to be able to climb vertical walls or be perfectly comfortable suspended from ceilings, clinging to surfaces with tarsal claws or pads.
In the rare chance you kill a JABBERWOCKY, know they are edible. Their skin can also be preserved and made into leather goods and textiles. Their fluted skin, lined internally with hairs, is especially useful for tailoring warm protective garments.

JABBERWOCKY in stasis.

Sonic pings give JABBERWOCKIES full awareness of their surroundings.
JABBERWOCKIES are usually found crammed into tight corners or between architectural features and are, when undisturbed, docile. It is believed they spend most of their lives in an energy-saving stasis akin to sleep. Logically, however, they must engage in migratory behaviours to cause their spread across the system. Since they are isolationist predators, each JABBERWOCKY stakes a claim over a domain and remains there, memorizing the nearby layout of their lair and hunting from their stasis roost. Encounters with a JABBERWOCKY are rare — albeit dangerous; as their slumber can be broken by unexpected noises and careless sounds can rouse them into a predatory state.
Rarely do JABBERWOCKIES engage in persistence hunting. They prefer to stalk and strike prey with the element of surprise and are patient to avoid placing themselves in jeopardy. Despite using echolocation to navigate, they can move quite silently — JABBERWOCKIES can produce and navigate by frequencies too high-pitched for us to hear. These shrill pings grant them enough awareness to position themselves close to their mark while their prey reveals themselves by making noises, blissfully unaware of lurking danger.
Do not underestimate the intelligence of a JABBERWOCKY. With echolocation, they memorize a clear three-dimensional map of their lairs: every doorway, hall, ventilation shaft, and ceiling tile — down to fissures in walls and rubble on the ground. They will know how to trap you and where you are most vulnerable. If a JABBERWOCKY cannot surprise a target with a sneak attack from an advantageous place, they corral prey into killing zones with fear tactics, attrition attacks, and jabbering noises. Attempts to hide from a JABBERWOCKY in its lair will always be futile. Their stamina, patience, and heightened senses vastly surpass our own.
Above all else, expect all entities to exhibit surprising, undocumented, or emergent behaviours when encountered in the field. No two JABBERWOCKIES will behave identically, and abnormalities within limspace guarantee every creature you meet will exhibit some degree of unique personality. Some JABBERWOCKIES have even been known to replicate human speech.
Encounters & Survival
So, how can you improve your odds of survival against a JABBERWOCKY?
The easiest way to survive a JABBERWOCKY encounter is to travel in groups. Even with their size and strength, like most entities, they are reluctant to stalk larger parties. If engaging a JABBERWOCKY as part of a group, creating a large amount of noise at differing rates, frequencies, and volumes can temporarily confuse the entity. STAY TOGETHER. Even a disparaged or confused JABBERWOCKY can try to pick off a lingering party member with opportunistic attacks. Our numbers are the greatest strength we can maintain against creatures of the deep.
Any sufficiently loud noise can temporarily distract a preying JABBERWOCKY. If available, use noise-emitting tools as bait to lure entities away from your escape. A short-wave radio blasting loud static is better to sacrifice than your life. Small explosives, such as screaming firecrackers, have been used by Porters to overwhelm an unsuspecting JABBERWOCKY. Be aware that you can never cause pain to a JABBERWOCK-type entity through sound alone — sonic retaliation is only a deterrent.
Simply running from JABBERWOCKIES has been known to work — for the lucky. If you can avoid being herded deeper into their lairs, a JABBERWOCKY might give up the hunt. In the worst-case scenario where you stand your ground and fight, target their loose skin. JABBERWOCKIES appear to experience pain — and take great care to maintain the integrity of their sensory membranes. There have been successful occurrences of a wanderer fending a JABBERWOCKY on their own despite the colossal nature of these terrifying beasts, by shocking them with damage to their epidermis and encouraging them to retreat. No small feat.
Prevention also saves lives. Reducing noise is paramount to avoid entity encounters of all varieties when travelling deep limspace.
Further Notes
JABBERWOCKY corpses were studied to provide some of this information. Much of our knowledge about these creatures comes from the sacrifices of frontiersmen. Respect the lessons we have learned from those who have fallen to provide them.
Not everything is known about JABBERWOCKIES, and they may reside on any level.
We appreciate JUNA for providing the visual supplements to this article!