Entity Classification
Aggressiveness | 4/5 | Hounds will actively attempt to track and kill any entity in their vicinity. They are unable to be reasoned with and will even attack each other sometimes. They will cooperate in some scenarios, however. |
Frequency | 4/5 | Hounds are commonly seen on levels with dark or dimly-lit areas. |
Intelligence | 1/5 | These entities are extremely reckless and stubborn. Their only intelligence comes from their instinctive ability to track other entities, and their ability to collaborate. |
Pritoria Index | 3/5 | In accordance with their extreme aggression and high adrenaline output, Hounds are bafflingly stupid and often end up getting themselves killed from reckless decisions. The entities have many widely-known weaknesses, but can be deadly in small packs. |
Hounds are canine entities with a black, patternless pelt. While standing on all four legs, a Hound can be between 25 and 30 inches tall at the shoulders, and between 50 and 80 pounds. The entity features a sickeningly large mouth, which stretches from ear to ear with 60 serrated teeth. A Hound's eyes are completely dark grey, as they utilize their large pupils to see in the low-light environment of the site.
Due to the reckless nature of the entity, and frequent combat with other entities, the pelt of a Hound is commonly torn, roughed up, and/or matted with blood. Be thankful if you encounter such a damaged Hound—they are most likely one who lost a battle with a pack alpha and escaped with their life. Pack alphas can often be identified by larger teeth or tusks protruding from various places in the jaw. These tusks grow on the male hounds, but commonly break off when competing for dominance in a pack.
Hounds are extremely hostile towards any being, including their own kind. It is not uncommon that two Hounds will fight as competition for food or mates. They can, however, find it in themselves to work together. In some circumstances, Hounds will team up in packs of 2-3 to have a better chance at survival. It is also inferred that they will cooperate for the purpose of mating and reproduction.
Hounds will actively track down prey from afar and are constantly searching for food. The entities have a natural instinct from birth that teaches them how to sniff out Wanderers or other entities nearby. When they locate their prey, Hounds will lurk for only a few seconds before attacking. They use their serrated teeth to tear off chunks of flesh from their target.
It is widely known that a Hound can be countered by intimidation. If a Wanderer crosses paths with a Hound, their first action should be to remain still, assume a bold stance, and stare into its eyes. If the Hound is successfully forced into submission, it can easily be killed or fled from.
In an attempt to stay hidden from most entities, Hounds will hide in dark areas or move along them. The entities also hunt better in low-light conditions. Hounds are located far more commonly on The Sub-Basement and the Electrical Station, as there are lots of dark areas and narrow spaces.
The anatomy of a Hound has been thoroughly examined by Archivists due to the entities’ easy ability to be killed by experienced wanderers. The Hound has a thicker bone structure than average canines, as well as thicker skin to increase their endurance against the harsh challenges the site has to offer. In some instances, Hounds have been found to have eyes that are adjusted to see in low-light conditions such as on The Sub-Basement
In the brain, a Hound has a complex hypothalamus that acts as a sleeper organ. It stores adrenaline until it enters a physically demanding situation. In such a scenario, the hypothalamus releases all stored adrenaline for a prolonged burst of stamina in the entity. Due to the “sleeper organ” aspect of the hypothalamus, the Hound is unable to internally release hormone-blocking chemicals, making them susceptible to rapid and painful growth spurts.
The exact origins of Hounds are unknown, and it is nearly impossible to trace their exact date of origin.
The first documentation of a Hound was a video taken in the first level of the Backrooms Limspace System. The recording details a man approaching a corner and is met by a Hound only meters away. The Hound lurks momentarily and the man recording turns and sprints away. The video cuts short and many assume the man was mauled to death.
Since the first documentation of the entity, Wanderers have identified weaknesses in the Hounds and developed tactics on how to deter them. The intimidation tactic and information on the key attacking points spread throughout the site, and eventually, Hounds became a much easier entity to counter.
Survival Guide
Hounds are often found in narrow or dimly lit areas, as they tend to hunt better and blend into such places. To avoid a run-in with a Hound, clear out dark areas with flares or lanterns prior to advancing through them.
However, as aforementioned, Hounds can be intimidated and forced into submission if engagement is imminent. This gives Wanderers ample time to make an escape or kill the entity. To intimidate a Hound, first, assume a bold stance. Puff your chest out, broaden your shoulders, make yourself look big and tough. Then, maintain direct eye contact with the entity. If you are successful, the Hound will lower its head or whimper and back away momentarily. Do note that this strategy will not work when Hounds are traveling in pacts. If you have been spotted by a pack of Hounds, you, unfortunately, will have to resort to combat.
It is worth mentioning that this intimidation tactic will not always work, as in some cases the Hound's adrenaline release has already kicked in, or the Hound is traveling in a pack. In the event that this happens, your only choice is combat. The key areas to target are the nose and eyes. You should use a sharp weapon to stab at the eyes, and then a blunt weapon to damage the nose. This will render the Hound unable to detect you, and you will be able to easily kill it.
If you cannot successfully attack the key areas, it is advised to slash at parts of the Hound that were already damaged prior to engagement. NEVER attempt to run away from a Hound if it is attacking you. In any given scenario, it will outrun you.