Dinosaur Themed Limspace

Hello, I'd like to propose my idea of a dinosaur themed limspace. I was on Google Docs and wrote down the following:
- Echo of dinosaur shrieks, cries, and roars can be heard
- No entities present
- Endless dinosaur themed indoor playground
- Messed up environment (dino claw marks, bites, etc.)
- Scarce lighting/very dark
- Footsteps large to small can be heard, yet the source is never seen
- Claustrophobic
- Scopophobic
- Strange paranormal activities
I intend to put this into the Backrooms system. Please share your thoughts and if I should change anything to further my goal to make this a terrifying piece of writing. I intend to put a fun twist on common liminal areas such as a playground while keeping faithful to the established concept of the Backrooms.