Simple Introduction.
Hello! I am Dusk Neoka (also known as Dr. Rota or Morthy Duskus on other sites). I am a writer from RPC (and formerly Uracene but I highly doubt anyone here knows what that is). Anyways, I was originally gonna write for the Backrooms Wikidot but numerous things came up:
- The critics there were complete dogshit, or at least one of them was. I uploaded a draft with tons of SPaG on it, the critic reviewing mine greenlit it and I got screwed over. And no, he knew there was SPaG in the article and just decided not to tell me. So fuck that.
- Although I tried to ignore this. There was like 3 pedophiles sexually harassing somebody on their discord that their moderation team did nothing about. That was a clear red flag.
- Other than the pedophiles, the large majority of people there just gave me a bad vibe. I do find it funny however that people insult this wiki and RPC when the actual Backrooms Wikidot feels like its being run by Jared Fogle.
And with those reasons why I joined Liminal Archive. I hope I can get along with all of you.