Wonderful self-contained article.
Reading through it a second time, I felt a connection to it. It reminded me of my time in Colorado and in the mountains. It got so quiet up there in the white snow land.
Those early morning walks to school always felt so tranquil but terrifying. Maybe there would be a car or two but for the most part, I was all alone on those walks.
When I got to the entrance part, it really stuck with me. If LA was real, I would no doubt have met my end in the Snowy Wastes. It feels tailor-made to my past. That is so terrible and great! You really nailed the feeling of isolation in the cold huddling to any warmth you can get.
Good job Some Random User! You have been here quite a while and this being your first article shows that you were getting your grasp and foothold on the content that sticks! Amazing work! Can't wait to see what you do next!