I appreciate the feedback 👍
However if I may defend the work in the hopes of changing your rating?
The Leviathan storyline is being strung along by a multitude of shorter articles, each giving a little bit more exposition or information - so it sounding like flavour text is not a fault imo. This entry is not meant to stand on its own, but taken in tandem with a number of supporting entries. The goal of this entry is to give Saffron more presence in this storyline - as well as to detail the new reality that humanity is in under the gaze of the Leviathan. By telling the reader that UNCB citizens are encouraged to record dream journals it opens an avenue for me to write character driven story in the future through those journals.
As such, this article is more of a plot device. Future entries will rely on this article to make the use of dream journals fit as an in-canon method of storytelling.
Regardless! I'll keep your thoughts in mind going forward: perhaps to try and add more of a spicy hook, or answers which lead to yet more questions in my next chapters. That way my readers do not feel like they are wasting time reading an exposition article or plot device.
Hope you enjoy the next one more!