sorry bro im not fucking with the theme this time
im drainedwell (formerly avertexpert) and i originally made this wiki but i suck at management so i handed over ownership to banach and vizlox runs the discord
if you have questions, dm me
i write stuff and shitpost a lot if you want me to be serious, ask
main stuff
levels and such
the eternal sky (originally the blue channel but that's another story) [this is getting reworked soon]
the sargasso (oh s94)
tales and stuff
sierra-94's log (:schizo:)
se tenir debout (oh dzer)
literally anything else
specific articles
mend-sedimen energy [this is getting reworked soon]
whatever else
helped excerium a lot with level cement
large bit of the backrooms writing guide
a large portion of parasitic paint
i collabed with doeymous on quite a few of the main 12 levels
i collabed with doeymous on the introductory statement
▸ Sargasso
✎ 7541 19 (+19, -0)
▸ The Eternal Sky
✎ 4684 16 (+21, -5)
▸ Se Tenir Debout
✎ 5503 15 (+16, -1)
▸ Sierra-94's Log
✎ 11200 8 (+8, -0)
▸ Mend-Sedimen Energy
✎ 2797 4 (+10, -6)