Deletion Policy
Deletion Policy
Deletion Via Rating
- In the event an article reaches a -3 rating or lower, the article will be up for deletion when a staff member takes notice.
- Votes by the author, deleted users, non-members, and malicious votes don't count in this rating.
- Once the article is up for deletion, there will be a twenty-four hour waiting period before further action is taken.
- However, if an article loses its -3 rating or lower status within this waiting period it will no longer be up for deletion.
- The staff will decide whether to delete, keep, or rewrite an article once the waiting period has ended.
- In the event the original author requests to rewrite the article themselves, their request will be respected.
- In the event the original author requests to delete the article entirely, then their request will be respected.
- You (including staff) must gain permission from the original author before rewriting their article.
- The original author must be notified when their article is up for deletion. If the author is not notified then no further action can be taken.
- In the event the original author cannot be notified, then the staff can take further action without author notification — this does not extend to rewrites.
Deletion Via Rules
- If the article is against the site rules then the article will be removed immediately without a twenty-four hour waiting period.
- Any site member can contest the removal of an article if they believe the article was unjustly removed. If a site member contests the removal then a staff vote will be held. In the event of a staff vote tie, an admin vote will be held.
- In the event an author is found to be born in or after 2008 then all of their articles will be up for review and the author will be removed until they become of age. Staff will decide whether to keep or delete these articles. See: the third rule under Deletion Via Rating.
Hard Deletion
- Hard deletions — defined as deleting the article entirely off the site as opposed to archiving it on-site — can only be done if there is an archived version of the article hosted off-site. This archive would be subsequently sent to the author.
- Methods of archiving include but are not limited to: Discord DM containing page source, Wikidot PM containing page source, Pastebin or other text hosting site, and Google Docs document.
- Decanonization — meaning that an article is moved to the non-canon section of the site. An article can be decanonized by reaching a rating of -3 or lower; however, only votes made by site authors are counted in this rating.
- An article can be recanonized by having the author rating escape the decanonization threshold.
- After being decanonized, the author must be notified about their article being decanonized and must be informed of their right to remove or rewrite their affected article.
page revision: 7, last edited: 15 Jul 2022 21:21