The Sunken Forest
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Difficulty 4/5 Survival is hard due to the random scattering of resources and the distance between large colonies.
Entity Count 0/5 There are no known entities inside of the sunken forest.
Chaos Gradient 2/5 The sunken forest has never been documented to alter itself in any way, although the foliage has been observed to grow over time. There are also high probabilities for flash flooding to occur, but these seem to be somewhat natural.
Basset-Frazier Index 2/5 The sunken forest is somewhat anomalous, but overall, it seems to be rooted in its base form.



An image of a hallway stuffed with trees inside the sunken forest.

The Sunken Forest is a vast, underground biome - filled with darkness and trees, and shaped in a series of narrow, dirt-covered tunnels through the earth. Some of the foliage grows upwards out of the ground as you would expect, but a lot of the plants seem to disregard what up and down are, choosing instead to grow out of the walls and ceiling of these underground spaces. Dirt covers everything… it's peaty sediment made of dead leaves and shale, mixed with a fairly rancid assortment of droppings and damp clumps of moss. Your feet sink into the ground slightly as you step through this spongy, crunchy cavern.

The structure of the forest can alter itself. It can be trees sprouting out from the ceiling in a slim hallway of dirt, leading to an expansive area where wildlife lives. These shifts make the Sunken Forest a hard place to navigate, but shifts are extremely uncommon. When they do happen, it is advised to move out of the area because you can be crushed to death in between the shifting trees and walls.

The wildlife that lives in the Sunken Forest is assumed to come from baseline reality. You can find crocodiles, birds, and many other animals inside the sunken forest. Trees may have symbols inscribed onto them, which when followed, lead to colonies. If you need to get directions to a colony, it is advised to look for these symbols.

There is a seasonal system inside the Sunken Forest, with trees and plants dying after a year in baseline reality passes. They seem to bloom after another year passes in baseline reality. The Sunken Forest acts as its own self-sustaining area outside of reality while also being the only threshold to The Abyss.

The Abyss

Within the Sunken Forest lies a great pit - the entrance to The Abyss, which is a Limspace System of itself. This sinkhole is a point of no return. All who enter The Abyss are lost, never to return to baseline. Once you do enter, you should find yourself in the ruins. Our scouts are currently writing an article documenting these ruins.

Research on the link between the forest and The Abyss has been documented by Dr. Eliza Cane. Her logs can be found below. Dr. Cane has a reputation to spread false and slandering information on ADFRS1, so some of her research has been destroyed. Please bring all other research found to ADFRS Base Alpha so we can make sure of its destruction.

Eliza Cane's Personal Logs
Visits Observations
Visit 17 We have 2 men going into the abyss. Bless their souls. So far, based on past observations, we have concluded that the first section of the abyss seem to be sorts of ruins. We will continue further research.
Visit 20 We seem to have found a structure. Radio comms from our men seem to show that it used to be a shrine of some sort before it was destroyed. They are searching the rubble. We have also been observing the sinkhole leading to the abyss. It seems to be collapsing in on itself. More research needed.
Visit 21 Our men are dead. They ran into something or someone that took them out. We shouldn't have started digging inside of the ruins. I don't know what's going on. The sinkhole is starting to emit low rumbles and it is expanding by the minute. Cane out.

That is all of the logs we have permitted for reading.


The population is mostly comprised of the animals that reside in the sunken forest. There are humans inside the sunken forest, but most of them are ADFRS officials, and about 35% of the population are people who found themselves in the Sunken Forest after going into the threshold. This 35% formed a Colony Deal with our forces there. The deal was that the ADFRS would provide them with resources and build them shelters, and in return, they would provide information about the sunken forest when they found it. This alliance is how the entrance to the abyss was found.

This 35% has situated itself around the sunken forest. They may not have an offical name, but they have cabins built from the trees, and treehouses situated all-around their colonies. They hunt for food and are always accepting of newcomers.


You can enter by entering an undisclosed threshold in Brazil. This threshold has not been documented fully yet.
You can exit into the abyss by going into the sinkhole. You can also exit by no-clipping, sending you into the backrooms. You may also exit by the threshold.

Written by TwhalliiiiiTwhalliiiii

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