Arborescent Limspace System


✼ Thresholds

Ways to become lost in a blooming new world.

I do not know why our world was not enough for Jacob…

▨ Limspaces

Realms within and beyond the Heartwood:


The telluric world we have abandoned is long behind us…

A cold desert stricken with freezing winds…

Light and darkness amid cold waters…

More coming soon.

The system is still growing…

☙ Flora and Fauna:

The Arborescent System blooms with life.
Plants, animals, insects, & monsters.
Even death is an abstract form of being.

Like an ocean suddenly emerging in the middle of a forest…

✎ Tales and Documents:

Gardenia Scarlet 8 (+8, -0)

These pages offer deeper insights and info.
The Arbor system is rich with detail.
There is so much more to uncover in time.


♡ Concept Contributors:

BloofBloof | Nautilus98Nautilus98
BioPolarBioPolar | 0ktober0ktober
DrainedWellDrainedWell | moist breadmoist bread
SecondtoInfinitySecondtoInfinity | BanachTarskiPdxBanachTarskiPdx
Worm that WalksWorm that Walks | ExceriumExcerium
Egg2Egg2 | NebulaEclipse_NebulaEclipse_
BlueTangs RockBlueTangs Rock | plutonistsplutonists
PastacatPastacat | Some Random UserSome Random User
watabtjaxwatabtjax | The Dark DestroyerThe Dark Destroyer
TomuuuTomuuu | ValiecValiec

All who add to the system, please add yourself above.
Liminal loves all of you!

rating: +8+x

System Hub page created by knaffladknafflad ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license